SOI Hot Tub Report 2019: Full Steam Ahead

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Steam is rising from the portable hot tub industry. It was another generous year in spa sales: 88 percent of survey takers reported sales either increased or stayed the same last year. Dealers remain optimistic about the growth of the industry and credit strong sales to a growing economy, investment in social media marketing strategies, lead generation campaigns and more.

Dealers are clearly working hard to establish the health and wellness benefits of hot tubs, but is the Hot Tub Health Movement being marketed effectively? Survey takers remain split down the middle — some are confident the wellness movement is reaching customers while some believe more can be done to market the health advantages from hot water. For example, many are calling for ties with like-minded organizations like the Arthritis Foundation and marketing strategies as immersive as the car industry.

Last year's survey revealed swim spas were on the rise. It's only fitting, as swim spas offer space-conscious customers a nice alternative to inground pools while still enjoying the benefits of aquatic exercise and relaxation. This year, 67 percent of survey respondents said they offer swim spas in some form, but many more are confident that the category has a lot of room for growth. One survey responder even credits swim spas as their "fastest growing segment."

We also asked what your customers want when tailoring their pool and spa experience to themselves. According to the survey, spa steps, cover lifts and spa fragrances are all profitable add-ons, proving the sale does not just stop at the hot tub. Dealers also found that spa owners prefer privacy over a 360-degree spa view of their backyard or landscape. An overwhelming amount of customers (95 percent) also seek on-level or aboveground installation.

For more on the state of the hot tub industry, read on.


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