The board of directors for the National Swimming Pool Foundation voted last week to endorse the first module of the Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC), entitled "Operator Training." The Model Aquatic Health Code is being created by the world's chief public health organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and dozens of volunteers. This standard is the first public-domain, scientifically based standard that is free for all jurisdictions. The first of twelve modules entitled "Operator Training," was issued on April 8.
A second module on "Ventilation/Indoor Air Quality" was released for public comment on April13, 2011. Another half dozen modules are in final review and being formatted. The final MAHC will consist of 12 main modules.
"The release of the first modules that will make up the complete national Model Aquatic Health Code from the CDC is a seminal moment," commented Thomas M. Lachocki, Ph.D., and CEO of the National Swimming Pool Foundation. "The National Swimming Pool Foundation endorses the concept and process of the Model Aquatic Health Code and urges every health department and every association to adopt the first module, 'Operator Training,' without exception."
For more information, and to see copies of the modules, visit