Waterfront: April 2007 - Alice Goes AWOL

Mannequin misses mate. 

Ted misses Alice. Both were, until recently, residents of Custom Pools in Newington, Conn. No, there weren't people living at a pool and spa store — Ted and Alice are mannequins. Alice's top half has been missing since right after Christmas 2006, and while employees of the store had hoped she just popped out to attend a New Year's Eve party, she still hasn't returned. "We originally thought someone borrowed [her] for a party or something but she still isn't back," Grace Hagwood, customer care center manager told the Portsmouth Herald .

Ted and Alice had lived outside the store since May 2006, according to store manager Jennifer Hemming, and used to make frequent trips around town. "Every weekend we would have them driving around in a truck with a trailer on the back," she says. "One weekend we came back and she was just gone, just her top half."

Employees of the store have asked everyone they know if they've seen Alice, as yet to no avail. If anyone does see the top half of a female mannequin in the vicinity of the store, please email her partner Ted, who misses her companionship, at [email protected].

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