How to Deliver an Unmatched Customer Experience in the Digital Age

John Tschohl Headshot
Tschohl Feature

Creating highly engaged customers is forcing companies to provide their customers with a consistent experience whenever and wherever they need it...digitally. Did you know that highly engaged customers buy 90 percent more frequently, spend 60 percent more per purchase, and have three-times the annual value (compared to the average customer)? That’s a huge revenue opportunity you could be taking advantage of by digitally transforming your business!

But, in order to deliver on a better customer experience, you first need to understand who this new kind of digital customer is and what they want. It’s clear that the customer is firmly in the driver’s seat.

Personalized Customer Experiences

Today’s consumer wants organizations to treat them as unique individuals, and know their personal preferences and purchase history.

According to Accenture, 75 percent of customers admit being more likely to buy from a company that:

  • Recognizes them by their name,

  • Knows their purchase history, and

  • Recommends products based on their past purchases.

This sounds like Amazon, one of the best retailers in the world. And the best part is that customers are happy for Amazon to use their data. Technology has empowered customers to get what they want, whenever they want, and how they want it. Again, Amazon is a β€œMaster” at providing this service to every single customer.

Consumers now expect immediate response (speed) to customer service requests on social media and they would rather engage digitally as opposed to pick up the phone. They also expect the same response times on weekends as on weekdays. This need for instant gratification has forced organizations to remain accessible and on-demand, 24/7 with live people, no IVR and answer in one to two rings. Customers expect responses to be tailored to their needs and issues. They do not want to re-explain the issue.

Everything is now happening in real time, which is why those companies that can offer speed, personalization and accessibility to their customers will win out in the long-run.

Today’s consumers are not loyal to a single mode. They browse in-store, shop online, share feedback through mobile apps and ask questions for your support team on social media networks.

In today’s fast-moving, always-connected and always-on society, companies are forced to seriously consider implementing a digital transformation strategy, if they haven’t already.

Digital transformation offers organizations an opportunity to engage modern buyers, and deliver on their expectations of a seamless customer experience regardless of channel or place.

1.) Customers Expect Immediate Response

Speed matters. How fast you get your product to a customer, how quickly you can accomplish a service task for a client. A three day turnaround on an email, or a long list of menu options on an automated phone system drives customers crazy.

2.) Customers Will Figure It Out β€” With or Without You

It’s always better that they figure it out with you. Cutting-edge technology devised by Apple and Google has led consumers to expect a digital service experience that is clean, simple and user-friendly. No second chances to make a first impression in today’s world. And, if you want to know how to do-it-yourself, just look it up on YouTube and nine times out of 10, it’s there with instructions. So much easier than reading manufacturer’s instructions.

3.) Make Your Website Customer Service Friendly

Whatever you think about your website: it’s one of the main channels your customers will use to figure out how to solve a problem they have. Do you see your website as a sales tool? Do you see it as an interactive version of your brand? Maybe you feel as though it’s one of those things that β€œyou just have to have nowadays." I promise you that your customers will search your site for information, even if it’s only to find a phone number to call you.

What are you waiting for? The digital disruption has revealed fantastic opportunities for higher levels of customer engagement. The time is now for customer service teams to take advantage of this and step up to the plate. Think like your customer and give them what they are looking for.

John Tschohl is a professional speaker, trainer and consultant. He is the president and founder of Service Quality Institute (the global leader in customer service) with operations in over 40 countries. John is a self-made millionaire traveling and speaking more than 50 times each year. He is considered to be one of the foremost authorities on service strategy, success, empowerment and customer service in the world. John’s monthly strategic newsletter is available online at no charge. He can also be reached on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

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