Keeping up-to-date on the latest developments in your pool and spa-related legislature in your state can give you an edge on what you can expect in the future. Here's the latest news:
As of February 11, all but two state legislatures have convened for their 2013 legislative sessions and the two remaining states will be convening shortly. Florida convenes on March 5, but has already started working by holding committee meetings both in January and February. The State of Louisiana starts their legislative session on April 8, with pre-filing of bills to begin on February 20.
The Association of Pool and Spa Professionals is tracking bills filed in Arizona, Florida, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas as well as one bill in Congress. Legislation in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Connecticut is also tracked, but will be reported by NESPA and not APSP.
APSP has broken up this legislation into "priority" and "watch" categories. A "priority" category means APSP is getting involved with the legislation in some manner, while a "watch" bill indicates it's on the organization's radar.
"We strongly encourage APSP member input and help in a state where a bill affecting you has been filed," the APSP says.
To see what is listed as a priority bill, click here.
To see what is listed as a watch bill, click here.
To learn more about any bill and to provide feedback, please email Jennifer Hatfield: [email protected]