A Christmas Message from the AQUA Editors

Christmastime is here.

While the holiday is steeped in cheer, joy and the “holiday spirit,” after much reflection, there’s one thing we think defines Christmas and the holiday season more than anything.

It’s togetherness. It’s people coming together from faraway places, dusting snow off their shoulders before warmly embracing a brother, sister, mother, cousin. It’s sitting by the glow of the Christmas tree, as a family, admiring each bough with child-like wonder. It’s long-lost friends who only see each other once a year, if they’re lucky. It’s traditions, like opening one gift on Christmas Eve, sharing a special toast or watching that favorite holiday special. 

And it’s the special moments that only have meaning amongst yourselves, and only because you do them together. 

The funny thing is, togetherness is your specialty. What you do every day, be it build pools and spas, sell them or create the products that maintain them, the end result is the same: you’re fostering the spirit of togetherness. Pools and spas, these bodies of water, are the places that give us a chance to connect, celebrate and enjoy the here and now. Together. 

You’re in the business of togetherness. And nothing is more special than that. 

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

The AQUA Staff

P.S: AQUA's e-newsletters will take a break while we enjoy the holidays. Expect us to return Jan. 3.

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