Just wanted to say thanks for writing the article regarding ozone and mineral use lowering chlorine usage ("Diminishing Returns," July AQUA, page 51). I have had an ozonator and Nature2 mineral system on my personal pool since building it 10 years ago and absolutely love it. I go through very little chlorine on a yearly basis, maintaining about a 0.5 ppm in the pool. We have had several people ask about the water because they don't "smell any chlorine" when they are swimming. I always recommend it to any friends or family who ask my opinion about sanitizing their pools, and I definitely prefer it over the "magic box" of a salt system. It is amazing what dealters tell people or don't tell people when selling them a salt-based system.
Thanks again, maybe some more dealers will read it and consider using these alternatives.
Scott Burrall, Director of purchasing, Imperial Pools, Latham, N.Y.