Mistakes Don’t Have To Happen
I enjoyed your recent article, “Measure Twice, Order Once” (June AQUA, page 33). It does a good job covering the liner replacement process.
I was a little disappointed that you didn’t mention some of the higher-tech tools available to assist with the recording of the measurement AB data. A handful of fabricators have some form of app, be it for a PC/laptop or mobile device, that not only records the AB data but will also plot it to allow the user to see how well the measurement data is capturing the shape of the pool. Being able to see the plot of the measurement data while still at the pool side can be quite valuable in catching measurement issues and errors while you are still in a position to quickly correct them.
Dealers that are comfortable with mobile technology should contact their fabricator to see what they might have to offer.
Or, if their favorite fabricator is unable to provide a mobile app, dealers can find our Pool Measure Pro app (www.fisherlea.com/pool-measure-pro) for Android smartphones and tablets and the BlackBerry PlayBook in the appropriate mobile application store. We have an iPad/iPhone version coming soon.
Mistakes happen and the sooner they are caught, the cheaper it is to correct them. And you can’t get much better than being able to correct them as they happen.
Wayne FisherFisherlea Systems
Success Story
What a wonderful and positive story, Mike (“Open House Draws Hordes,” June AQUA, page 30). That story reminded me of why I got into the hot tub biz 30 years ago. I guess it just goes to show that persistence pays off, and running the proper event, with good advertising and good spa lines will bring ’em in. Good for you. And I am sure the customers who bought the spas are happy too. A true win-win.
Daniel HarrisonPoolAndSpa.com