Feedback: Get Together (Or Fall Apart)

A reader wrote in response to “The Backyard Industry Needs To Come Together, Or Risk Falling Apart.” a blog posted by Matt Giovanisci on April 10.

I have seen firsthand over the last 30 years many attempts on a grass-root level to organize and try to send a message to manufacturing that the small pool service companies, builders, retailers and distributors needed help with advertising, promotion and warranty centers to help the end users when issues came up with their products. In some cases manufacturing got the message, in others it fell on deaf ears.

I believe it has to come from the ground up, i.e. from the pool service companies. This is easier said than done, as I have seen how pool service companies try to get business by cutting the throat of other guy in trying to get ahead. Most pool service companies don’t realize they are going broke because they fail to attend schools, trainings and trade shows that offer education on products. Simply put, trying to organize service companies is like herding cats when trying to get them to work together for a common good.

When the economy turned a few years ago, I was working as a manufacturer’s rep. Sales fell through the floor when everyone stopped buying and distributors tightened their belts. What was heard from the manufacturers was that the reps were not doing their jobs, not working hard enough to capture the sales. I don’t remember any manufacturer stepping up to spend money on marketing to reach the end user or any B2C budgets being developed. Of most concern was their own bottom lines, and showing investors and shareholders they could remain profitable.

This is a great time for manufacturers to hear from the industry that makes them money that a new direction is needed. Through organizations like APSP, Carecraft, and AquaTech to IPSSA, everyone must make their voices heard so budgets can be created for the promotion of our products to consumers, an effort which will benefit us all.

Thank you for opening this can of worms and getting everyone thinking of how to make it better for all in the pool industry and the need to make the industry a little more professional on many levels.

Travis Schonleber PoolParts2Day

You hit the nail dead on. There is much that can and should be done. I hope this spurs some action in the industry.

Ron Miller Ace Marketing and Sales

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