Feedback: Beauty Trumps Safety?

March 2012 AQUA coverWe regularly read your magazine at our office, and everyone was perplexed by the cover picture and Eagle's Nest article (March issue).

It is truly an engineering marvel to place the entire pool on the roof of the house in the article.

Despite this, everyone at our office who sees this picture is drawn by the apparent safety issue of having no railing or glass wall on the edge of the pool with sheer drop. (Apparently three stories or more!)

Granted, railing is present to prevent someone from walking the edge of the pool where they may fall to down the side of the house, but a swimmer could easily pull himself up on the ledge unknowingly to take a break and fall to great injury.

Did the coping of the pool and ledge get approval by the city of Hollywood (or Los Angeles County)?

I did a pool renovation in Tustin, Calif., and the way I understand it, the pool must be located a certain setback from a retaining wall. If not, isn't this still a serious safety hazard for swimmers in the Eagle's Nest pool?

Craig Webb, Director of Business Development, Specification Seals Company, Anaheim, Calif.

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