This letter was written in response to Eric Herman’s blog post, “Making Environmental Sense,” in which he argued for a common-sense approach to protecting the resources the spa and pool industry relies upon:
I have learned through my 55 years of life to take nothing at face value. Especially if its coming from the mouth of someone with a (D) or an (R) after their name. Our current partisan political culture causes many to pick sides much like that of diehard sports fans who remain loyal to their team even if they have a long losing history. And so anything —truth or not — that comes from the mouth of one of their “players” is hotly argued and defended blindly without thought.
So much of what frames our opinions comes from the media at breakneck speed that results in sensory overload. It seems that now instead of someone having an opinion of their own the mass media forces their opinions as fact to an audience who may have lost a very critical skill . . . the ability to think for themselves.
Anything of any value will be marketed, bought and sold for a profit, including earth consciousness! Heck, I bought Earth Shoes in the seventies because somewhere in my psyche I believed they were better for the planet.
Being in the pool and spa industry over 35 years some would conclude that I have amassed a wealth of knowledge. I would say that I may know a lot but I am still seeking! And I would say that we need more people who question and seek before forming an opinion.
The question of the environment and conservation is one of common sense and one just has to have lived in this world for a while to conclude much of what science confirms. When I am in L.A. and can't see the foothills that are less than five miles away due to smog I know that's a problem. When I read unbiased reports of the nutrient overloading of our waters and see the results of that in the lakes around where I live I know that is the truth.
I have observed also in the pool industry and many others a major hopping on the band wagon of terms such as “Green” and “Eco-Friendly.” Working for a specialty chemical manufacturer I know that those terms could have a vast array of meaning. For example lemon juice is all natural and won't do any harm to the environment, but squirt it in your eye and there will be some suffering. Also, some products in dilution may not be a threat to the environment but the active ingredient undiluted is.
I think it really comes down to common sense and individual responsibility. These are a couple more traits that seem to be lacking. It appears personal rights mean more to many people than personal responsibility.
Terry ArkoSeaKlearBothell, Wash.