Good To Give

Most of us don't have the luxury of being able to do something that makes a profound difference in our world. Certainly we all try to do things every day that make things better for those around us, but how often do you have the opportunity to make a really big impact.

Well, here's your chance.

AQUA is proud to announce that we have given the first $10,000 to support a two-year study of the health effects of hot tub immersion. We've pledged to giving another $10,000 in the second year of the study — $20,000 total — but more money must be raised. The study will cost $150,000 for each of the two years; $300,000 total. That's not very much money when you think about the potential benefits to the industry. And the industry is only being asked for half the funds. Here's how it breaks down.

The National Swimming Pool Foundation is sponsoring the study, which will be conducted in 2007 - 2008 by Drs. Bruce Becker and Susan Borjesson at Washington State University at a research center recently established with a $247,000 grant from NSPF. Dr. Becker's research demonstrates the profound effects of aquatic immersion across the systems of the human body, musculoskeletal, neurological and cardiopulmonary among them ("Biophysiological Aspects of Hydrotherapy" published in Comprehensive Aquatic Therapy, Elsevier, 2004). But his published work involved the subject standing, immersed up to the neck. This new research will test the effects of hot tub immersion.

We all know intuitively and anecdotally that soaking in a spa offers a host of health and well-being benefits. Now we have the opportunity to quantify and describe those benefits in a scientific forum.

NSPF is making it easy. CEO Tom Lachocki says NSPF will match the funds raised by the industry. With AQUA's $10,000 already in the bank, that's just $65,000 this year and next. If just six or seven donors pledged the value of a top-of-the-line spa, the annual goal would be met.

So what are you waiting for. Get out your checkbook. You will feel good by doing good.

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