When you consider that most full-time workers spend as many of their waking hours with their co-workers as they do with their families, hiring a new employee — especially for a small staff — is a weighty task. Hiring and firing may be part of the typical day for many managers, but here at AQUA we have very little turnover.
So when AQUA was recently looking for a new assistant editor, I wasn't looking forward to the process. Even after reading piles of writing samples and conducting interviews, there's still no guarantee that the candidate who interviews well will fit with the existing team.
As luck would have it, though, AQUA's new assistant editor was already in the building. And since we've known her for some time, we're pretty sure she's going to fit right in. Rebecca Strauss joins the AQUA staff after an editorial internship with Motorcycle Product News , a sibling magazine here at Athletic Business Publications.
Becky has a varied and interesting background that will add depth to her writing and offer a fresh perspective. With an undergraduate degree in psychology, Becky spent the first few years after school as a social worker, working with people with severe mental illness. She recently switched gears, earning a Master's degree from the journalism school at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has also worked as a youth hostel manager, a baker and a carnie in Australia. In her spare time Becky loves to spend as much time in the water as possible, mostly scuba diving in exotic locales like the Great Barrier Reef and Madison's Lake Mendota. Becky ran her first marathon in January and is training for her second in October.
At AQUA, Becky is in charge of In The News, People, Calendar, Splash and Patioscapes. She also contributes to Waterfront and writes a feature each month. Becky has already made significant contributions to the magazine and we're delighted she has joined us.
The entire AQUA team will continue to help educate readers and raise the level of professionalism in the industry. Feel free to contact any of us with your comments or suggestions. Although we work for AQUA, in the end, we really work for you.