Award Inspiration

For several years , we've been making small changes to our pool and hot tub awards contest, AQUA Choice. But after a few rounds of tinkering with the basic concept, we've pretty much reinvented the program, and we couldn't be more excited about the new AQUA Choice award program.

As we considered the changes, we thought carefully about the purpose of the program and realized that there were two primary and very different ways that readers used this program. First, it's nice to be recognized as exemplary, and the contest portion of the program yielded winners selected by you, the readers, in several categories. But perhaps even more important — and more useful — was the entries issue published in October or November, which contained over a hundred examples of backyard waterscapes from around the country and the world. We've heard from countless readers that this "idea book" is an invaluable resource when working with clients to design a project.

We've certainly received criticism that our awards — and many other award programs — are just pretty-picture contests, but that doesn't detract from the value of having a book with 100 examples of ideas that clients might like, or might not like. While a given project might not be worthy of an award, it might still provide inspiration for a client. You'll design the pool to the requirements of your site and local codes and conditions anyway.

A panel of industry experts, including builders and landscape architects, will judge the new AQUA Choice awards. The panel will choose 11 winners with at least one project from each of four categories. Each winner will be featured in an issue of AQUA Magazine throughout the year, and those winners plus the best of the non-winning entries will be included in the AQUA Choice idea book, published at the end of the next year.

We think we've come up with an awards program that recognizes noteworthy achievement in pool and spa construction and also provides an inspirational idea book that you'll want to have with you at all sales meetings. More details on the new AQUA Choice awards and how to enter are available at

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