The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has approved the new ANSI/APSP-7 standard for suction-entrapment avoidance in swimming pools, wading pools, spas, hot tubs and catch basins. The approval, on Sept.11, signifies that the standard, prepared by the APSP, meets the requirements of the U.S. voluntary standards system. With the approval, the APSP will advocate adoption of the ANSI/APSP-7 by national, state and local regulatory agencies.
The APSP says the standard is the first comprehensive approach to engineering swimming pools and spas to avoid all the suction entrapment hazards, and is meant to address five major hazards associated with submerged suction outlets: hair entrapment; limb entrapment; body entrapment; evisceration/disembowelment; and mechanical entrapment. Some requirements contained in the new standard include the following:
Suction outlet covers/grates will be tested and listed as conforming to ASME/ANSI A112.19.8. This requires structural integrity and a permanently marked flow rating to prevent hair entrapment; the number and type of suction outlets are defined in terms of the flow rates and pump arrangements; vents or safety vacuum release systems (SVRS) are recommended in appropriate conditions; surface skimming or overflow systems can be designed for effective sanitation and circulation without submerged suction outlets; a detailed checklist is provided to assist the pool professional in identifying entrapment hazards in existing pools and spas and details remedial options; and the new standard warns that the pool or spa be immediately closed to bathers if any cover/grate is found to be damaged or missing.
"If pools and spas are installed and maintained in accordance with this standard, there should never be another suction entrapment incident," says Carvin DiGiovanni, APSP senior director. "APSP has been writing standards since the 1980s that include construction methods that decrease the chance of suction entrapment. However, the new APSP-7 standard codifies into a single standard the previous requirements in APSP's standards in combination with the latest technology."
The San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership presented Cal Spas with the Business of the Year award Oct. 12 at the annual San Gabriel Valley Awards Gala.
The national nominating committee of the APSP has nominated three officers for 2007: Penny Johnson, chairman; Gene Fields, chairman-elect; and Terry Brown, secretary/treasurer.
The APSP recently launched the Pool and Spa Industry Search, a search tool designed to provide consumers and industry professionals direct and immediate access to products. The link is available through the association's Web site,
Advantis Technologies , Alpharetta, Ga., is helping the APSP celebrate its 50th anniversary by sponsoring several events. The company's GLB brand has also been around for 50 years. "We are looking forward not only to sharing this special celebration, but also to another 50 years of a productive partnership," says Michael Moore, vice president of marketing.
GE Consumer Finance's Retail Sales Finance unit has changed its name to GE Money — Sales Finance . The business unit has achieved double-digit growth over the last four years and has doubled its assets in just the past two, reaching $16 billion, the company says.
Imperial Pools , Latham, N.Y., has announced that it will enter the polymer in-ground pool market with its new line, Matrix Pool Systems. The company has been manufacturing steel wall in-ground pools for 47 years.
Pool Water Products has opened it 18th full-service showroom and distribution center, in North Phoenix, Ariz. The new 25,000square-foot facility will open in late January 2007. Industry veteran Thomas Mychack will manage the distribution center.
Alpha 3 Manufacturing Corporation , a contract supplier of sheet metal and molded composite parts in Garrett, Ind., introduced a variety of new package pool components at the Independent Pool Distributors Network's annual conference in Las Vegas in September.
Sun Fiberglass Products has opened a new plant in Kentucky that will employee 30. The new address: Sun Fiberglass Products of Kentucky, Route 4, Box 130, Holiday Lane, Albany, Ky 42602. Phone: 606/387-0055. Fax: 606/387-0355.