The search for the best-of-the-best pool and spa service technicians nationwide is on once again. Below, find more information about the Pleatco Perfect Pool Tech Contest, including the rules.
ELIGIBILITY: The contest is open to pool/spa technicians and anyone who works in the Pool & Spa Service Industry. You can enter the contest yourself or nominate a candidate. Each candidate must work in the Pool & Spa Service industry. The contest is open to United States and Canadian Residents only. No purchase is necessary to enter.
ENTRY SUBMISSION: Entries are submitted online at Pleatco.com/contest-entry.
NOMINATIONS: Pool/Spa Industry Members, customers, friends and family members can make a nomination on behalf of their favorite pool/spa technician or someone who works in the Pool & Spa Industry. If you are a pool/spa technician or work in the Pool Service Industry you can nominate yourself. Nominations open August 22, 2022 on pleatco.com and must be submitted by 11:59pm on September 18, 2022.
VOTING: Voting will open at 12:00pm on September 21, 2022 and closes at 11:59pm on September 28 All nominations will be published on pleatco.com. Anyone is eligible to vote online. One vote per valid email is allowed. Top 20 nominees will be determined by public voting.
FINALISTS: A panel of judges chosen by the sponsors will select 6 finalists from the top 20 nominees. The judges will then determine category winners and the 2022 Pool Guy and Pool Gal. Category Awards include: Big Heart, Lifetime Achievement, Young Leader and Customer Service. All decisions by the judges are final.
AWARDS & PRIZES: Each finalist will receive an award and prizes.
Grand Finalists (2): 2022 Perfect Pool Guy & Perfect Pool Gal
- Pleatco trip to Las Vegas for the 2022 International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo
- November 11-18, 2022 (Value: ~$5,000)
- Roundtrip Coach Class Airfare for 2 people
- Accommodations in Las Vegas for 7 nights
- $700 Visa Card
- $1000 Pleatco Product (MSRP - List Price)
- Genesis C201: Basic Construction School course (Value: $2,790 each)
- Informa Super Pass to the 2022 International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo (Value: $230 each)
Finalists (4): 2022 Awards: Big Heart, Lifetime Achievement, Young Leader Award, Customer Service or other Awards, as determined by sponsors
- Pleatco trip to Las Vegas for the presentation of Awards at the 2022 International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo on November 16, 2022
- Roundtrip Coach Class Airfare for 2 people
- Accommodations in Las Vegas for 7 nights
- Choice of two Genesis On-Demand Courses: Certified Maintenance Specialist
- Complete (CMS) Complete Course (Value: $597) or Certified Service Technician
- (CST) Complete Course (Value: $747), Maximum value $750
Pleatco retains the rights to change prizes and dates without prior notice. Prizes from third party sponsors are the sole responsibility of the third party provider. No CASH prizes are awarded. Pleatco will give the winners a credit against the Pleatco Product prizes.
AWARDS ANNOUNCEMENT & CEREMONY: Winners will be announced by AQUA magazine in November 2022. The Awards Ceremony will be held at the 2022 International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo in the Pleatco booth. The event will be live streamed by AQUA magazine and will be available for anyone to view.
MARKETING: The winners will star in Pleatco/AQUA's nationwide follow-on ad campaign. Submission of entry, indicates commitment to participate if selected as a finalist.
MANDATORY SUBMISSION - TESTIMONIAL & PHOTO: Submit your 50 Word Testimonial and a photo of the nominee. Entries and nominations MUST include a photograph along with a MINIMUM 50-word testimonial.
OPTIONAL SUBMISSION - VIDEO: Nominees may submit a video for a greater chance to win. We urge Nominees to create and submit a two-minute video showing why you or your nominee should be the Pleatco Perfect Pool Tech. Creativity is encouraged!
MANDATORY SUBMISSON – PLEATCO QUESTIONNAIRE: The Pleatco Questionnaire can be found on the website and must be completed as part of the nomination.
DEADLINES: All entries MUST be submitted by 11:59pm on September 21, 2022. No entries will be accepted after the deadline. Voting will open on September 24, 2022 and closes at 11:59pm on October 1, 2022.
CANVASSING VOTES: Nominees are encouraged to canvass for votes. One vote may be submitted for each e-mail address. False or duplicate email addresses submitted will be removed from the tally. If any robotic voting is found to take place the nominee will be immediately disqualified.