Eco-Friendly Swimming Pool Heater Installation Checklist

Making the switch from installing traditional pool heaters to eco-friendly, energy efficient heaters can mean big savings for your clients, and in most cases, require less time and manpower to install. 

Today’s modern heaters operate in a more efficient manner than their predecessors by igniting on-demand rather than wasting fuel on a pilot, and by design, they will burn fuel more efficiently to heat the pool water with less wasted energy. The savings on a pool or spa that is heated on a regular basis will often pay for the new heater in a matter of just a few short years.

If your company is considering offering eco-friendly heaters to your customers this winter, below are some handy tips to help streamline the installation.


  • Assess the job site for accessibility concerns — while the new heaters are compact and go in easy, old heaters may be a challenge to remove. 
  • Assess the location and serviceability of gas (is the existing service adequate) and electrical supply. Are the conduit and fittings in good, serviceable condition? Is the existing pool plumbing sufficient to facilitate the new install? Check the valves between the heater plumbing and any chemical feed devices. 
  • Make any necessary arrangements with local gas service providers before the installation. In some cases, a professional may need to be on hand for support. 
  • Assess the heater install location — does the pad need to be repaired/leveled/enlarged?

During Install:

  • Double check and ensure all plumbing needs are on hand to support the install: PVC, plumbing compound, etc. 
  • Make sure appropriate moving equipment and tools are on hand: dollies, extra bodies, etc. 
  • Make sure the heater is powered down before and during installation.

After Install

  • Test the setup to make sure everything works as it should. 
  • Provide the client with step-by-step instructions on best practices, safety procedures and controls. 
  • Explain any warranties included with the heater. 
  • Follow up after the client has had a chance to use the heater to answer any questions or troubleshoot.

Using energy-efficient pool gear will certainly become more of a standard practice for professionals due to their ease of installation, flexibility and small footprint. If you have yet to include energy-efficient heaters as part of your service offerings, make sure to do your homework and find the heater that will provide the most value to your business and to your clients. There are many to choose from that offer many great benefits (one of our favorites is the Pentair Master Temp, which has the ability to convert from gas to propane with the replacement of a single part). 

For the client, making the switch from a gas-guzzling, older model heater is a no brainer. So far, installing a new eco-friendly heater has been an easy sell for us, even in Texas — where winter has forsaken us. 

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