Calif. Looks To Update Title 20

Scott Webb Headshot

California Energy CommissionThe California Energy Commission is scheduled to open proceedings to consider updating Title 20, the California regulation passed in December of 2008 aimed at energy savings in a variety of appliances, including residential swimming pool and portable spa equipment.  

In response to a joint submission by Pacific Gas and Electric and Southern California Edison, the Commission will consider revisiting current regulations to adopt changes/standards that:

Bring Title 20 into alignment with the new APSP 15, Voluntary National Residential Swimming Pool Energy Efficiency Standard and improve its applicability to variable speed pump products;

Improve variable speed pump testing, reporting and listing requirements to include performance specifications at high, medium and low speed operating points on CEC Pool System Curves A, B, and C;

Replace the current prescriptive pool pump motor design regulation with a performance based one;

Update and clarify pool pump controller language to better cover variable speed pump controller features;

Require the testing, reporting and listing of TDH values for pool heaters;

Develop and adopt maximum TDH values for pool heaters;

Require the testing, reporting and listing of LED pool underwater lights, so there relative performance can be known; and,

Require that portable electric spas be marked with their energy efficiency performance and certification compliance with Title 20.

“It is not certain when the official regulatory process will begin,” noted John A. Norwood, President of SPEC.  “However, the administrative process to develop or update state regulations is a very open process.  There are generally informal working groups, an official written comment period and opportunity for public hearing.  All of these procedural requirements are designed to work with the affected industries and work out a compromise if at all possible.  SPEC has already had contact with the staff of the commission and plans to work with our member equipment manufacturers and APSP to address any concerns relative to the proposed regulations and update.”

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