2020 AQUA 100 Winner: Texsun Pool & Spa

Aq100 420 Texsun4 Feat

Aq100 420 Texsun1 Sm

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"Our belief is a customer would much rather shop where they are greeted at the door by name."

—Carlos Gonzalez
Retail Store Manager, Texsun Pool & Spa

Owner Thomas Steinbacher will hand a crisp $100 bill to any employee that can recite Texsun Pool & Spa's mission statement: "A progressive company providing professional, honest and courteous services to pool and spa owners."

In each of Texsun's seven locations, managers are encouraged to bring their own personality to their store, which enables every location to have its own blend of products and sales techniques. "This gives Texsun the ability to stand out in a market overrun by cookie cutter floor plans, store design and product variety," says Carlos Gonzalez, a retail store manager.

Located in the Houston area, where customers are always busy, the company has had to adapt to its niche market with home delivery. "Our efforts are now focused on bringing Texsun to your doorstep if you aren't able to come to ours," says Gonzalez.

The city also has unique weather patterns, something employees believe Steinbacher has a bit of a sixth sense with. "It's as if he can predict the weather and its outcomes," says Gonzalez. Steinbacher's predictions have allowed the company to be there for its community in ways other businesses couldn't be. For example, when Hurricane Harvey hit, Gonzalez says it was the only company in the Houston area that had salt readily available.

The company even sponsors local school fundraisers and swim programs, and team pictures proudly hang on store walls. This personal touch is an important part of Texsun's customer service policy: to transcend the usual associate/customer barrier and build long-lasting relationships with clientele.

Its employee retention rate is also high (most managers have been in the company over 10 years), and customers enjoy seeing familiar faces. "When you are able to present the same familiar face with whom you worked with last time," says Gonzalaz, "that speaks volumes about a company."

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