Pentair Aquatic Systems has announced that its IntelliFlo, IntelliFlo VF, IntelliFlo VS+SVRS and IntelliPro VS+SVRS pumps have been certified by the EPA’s ENERGY STAR program and will carry the recognized ENERGY STAR label.
“Most consumers are familiar with the ENERGY STAR label found on qualifying home appliances such as water heaters, clothes washers, air conditioning units, refrigerators, and more,” explains Jeff Farlow, Pentair’s Program Manager of Energy Initiatives. “Now, qualifying pool pumps will be eligible to earn the ENERGY STAR label. This is big news for the pool industry because consumers recognize that by using ENERGY STAR certified products, they are doing their part to help protect the environment and save money on their utility bills,” Farlow adds.
Pentair submitted its IntelliFlo Variable Speed Pumps for ENERGY STAR certification first, the company says. Testing is still ongoing, and other Pentair variable-speed and two-speed pumps are undergoing the certification process.
“In our experience, having constructive support from the manufacturers of the products we are looking to certify is an integral part of the process,” says Christopher Kent, Product Manager for ENERGY STAR Pool Pump Equipment, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “We have been very pleased with the support provided by the pool industry as we worked to develop a meaningful certification process, one that underscores how using ENERGY STAR certified pumps can help swimming pools operate more efficiently, thereby leading pool owners to save energy. The exchange of ideas and information between EPA and industry is critical to the success of ENERGY STAR. Pentair has been a key and active stakeholder throughout the whole specification development process and we appreciate their time, effort, and expertise over the past many months as we have crafted the specification.”
To help dealers spread the word about ENERGY STAR certification, Pentair has created point-of-sale materials including hang-tags, in-store signage, and other items telling the ENERGY STAR story. ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping consumers save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices. More information can be found online at