ADA Deadline Extended

Scott Webb Headshot

Americans With Disabilities Act logoThe U.S. Department of Justice has granted at least a 60-day extension for complying with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance deadline, previously set for March 15. The new deadline will be May 15.

According to the DOJ release, the 60-day reprieve was allowed โ€œin order to allow additional time to address misunderstandings regarding compliance with these ADA requirements."

In addition to the 60-day reprieve, the Department was also seeking public comment on a possible 180-day extension, โ€œin the interest of promoting clear and consistent application of the ADAโ€™s requirements to existing facilities.โ€   

The public comment period ends March 30. 

Comments may be submitted, identified by RIN (or Docket No. 123), by either visiting the Federal eRulemaking portal:, or by mail to:

Disability Rights Section, Civil Rights Division

U.S. Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, DC 20530 

In the release, the Department stressed it was not looking for comments on the relative merits of the requirements themselves, just the deadline. The requirements, it said, โ€œhave already been evaluated fully through an earlier, extensive notice and comment process.โ€

The Americans with Disabilities Act was first passed in 1990 and then expanded in subsequent rulings to include different areas of public life. In 2010, the Act was applied to public pools and spas with a deadline of March 15, 2012, for compliance.
Under this 2010 ADA ruling, larger public pools (greater than 300 linear feet of pool wall) would require at least two means of access. Smaller public pools (less than 300 linear feet of pool wall) would require at least one. Either a pool lift or sloped entry (ramp) is required to be the primary means of access. 
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