Obituary: Warren "Mickey" Bradley


It is with great sadness that the Bradley family announces the passing of Warren “Mickey” Bradley on Sunday, Feb. 28, 2021. He was 95 years old, the family patriarch and founder of Cardinal Systems, Inc.

Originally from Long Island, N.Y., Mickey served on the SS Sierra and the SS Walter C. Wann in the South Pacific during World War II.

Always an entrepreneur, Mickey held many jobs: from running a motion picture production service studio “Theatrical Workshop” with his own father in the 1950s, to a candy shop “The Country Store” on the boardwalk of Atlantic City in the 1960s, to growing hydroponic lettuce in the 1980s.

Mickey founded Cardinal Systems, Inc. in 1975 at the age of 50. His many years of hard work and a commitment to build the business has made Cardinal what it is today.

“From the inception of Cardinal, we never wanted to be the biggest. We always had the desire to be the best company our customers could do business with. ‘Be the best you can be’ is something I preached,” Mickey told Pool & Spa News for a feature in celebration of his 90th birthday in 2015.

In honor of his final wishes, there will be no formal service; a private memorial will be held for his family at a later date.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in his name to the Audubon Society, NRDC or Sierra Club.

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