The Everything Under the Sun Expo is one of the mainstays of the pool and spa industry. Located in sunny Orlando, it’s easily accessible for the thousands of Florida-based professionals — and generally a nice place to escape to if you’re visiting from afar. The show has long held a reputation as one of the strongest industry trade shows, particularly for service technicians, which comprise about 65% of show attendees.
There are several reasons why industry pros hold the show in such high regard, and they begin with the comprehensive education program that includes more than 50 sessions, including some in Spanish. Aspiring and established builders should note that Genesis will be on site offering classes for the first time since 2014, including a paid educational track and four free sessions. Representatives from Pentair, Aquastar Pool Products, Clear Comfort, Pebble Tec, RayPak, Taylor Technologies, NC Brands, LeakTronics and Hayward, among others, will also be on hand to lead technical sessions.
While the event officially runs Friday, February 22 to Saturday, February 23, the Expo technically kicks off on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. with the “Red, White and Pools” Welcome and Awards Reception. Located in the Exhibit Hall Prefunction Area, the event will celebrate pool pros for their outstanding service and accomplishments in 2018. (RSVP by February 15 to attend for free, otherwise it’s $20/person at the door.) Once the doors close on the first day of the show, count on heading to B.B. King’s Blues Club for the annual Friday Night Party, this time called “Red, White and Blues at B.B. King’s.” For $35 (or $40 at the door), guests can enjoy an open bar, food and live music.
Whether you’re there for team building, to brush up on your skills or to simply hang out with old friends, you can’t go wrong at the Everything Under the Sun Expo.
*Schedule and times are subject to change.
Wednesday, February 20
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
FSPA Florida Public Pool Specialist - Day
1 of 2
Room: W303C
Thursday, February 21
8 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.
LP Gas - Florida Statute Chapter 527 Sale of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Room: W304C
8 a.m. - 4:50 p.m.
8 Hours of LP Gas - Includes all 3
Scheduled LP Gas Classes
Room: W304C
8 a.m.
CONSTRUCTION 251: Commercial Pools & Waterparks - GENESIS
Room: W304D
FSPA Florida Public Pool Specialist - Day
2 of 2
Room: W303C
Hayward University
Room: W304E
Succession Planning - Insuring the Future of Your Company
Room: W304A
9 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.
Frequently Overlook Insurance Coverages and Policies
Room: W304B
10 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.
Silica Awareness and Exposure Control in the Swimming Pool Industry
Room: W304B
10 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
LP Gas - Chapter 5J-20 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Inspection
Room: W304C
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
AquaTech “Hoops” Hands on Operator Pool School
Room: W305B
11 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
Workers’ Compensation for the Swimming Pool Industry
Room: W304B
1 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.
Swimming Pool and Spa Basic Electrical Requirements
Room: W304B
1 p.m. - 4:50 p.m.
LP Gas - Emergency Response
Room: W304C
3 p.m. - 3:50 p.m.
Chapter 489 - Prohibitions and Penalties
Room: W304B
4 p.m. - 4:50 p.m.
FBC Advanced Module: 2017 Swimming Pool Updates
Room: W304B
Friday, February 22
8 a.m.
6-Steps to Safer Digging
Room: W304E
Point, Click, Wow! Tips and Tricks Using PowerPoint
Room: W305B
Variable Speed Heat Pump Technology
Room: W304C
CONSTRUCTION 406: Pool Shell Cracking in Shotcrete/Gunite Construction - GENESIS
Room: W304D
Generadores de cloro salino: instalación y manejo - Today’s Salt Chlorine
Generators: Installation and Management
Room: W204C
Leak Detection: Business, Marketing and Technical Strategies
Room: W304B
Optimizing Profits in Pool Construction
Room: W304G
The Unique Aspects of Hot Water Chemistry & Testing
Room: W303C
Water Chemistry: LSI, Phosphate Control and Enzymes
Room: W304A
Water Features: Design, Construction and Performance
Room: W304H
Web Based Pool Controls
Room: W304F
Writing Your Business Plan
Room: W305A
9 a.m.
64E-9 Health Code for Public Pools, Closures, Violations & Remedies
Room: W304E
Basic Troubleshooting for Gas Heaters
Room: W304C
Stop Guessing and Start Understanding What Drives the Buying Habits of
Today’s Home Pool Owners
Room: W305B
Creating In-Pool Entertainment Zones
Room: W304G
Prevention and Removal of Stains
Room: W303C
Technologies that are Transforming the Swimming Pool Industry
Room: W304H
The Relationship Between Organic Load and Disinfection Byproducts
Room: W304A
10 a.m.
Building Your Cash Flow Budget
Room: W305A
CONSTRUCTION 309: The Beauty of the Edge - Vanishing Edge, Grass Edge, and
Perimeter Overflow Pools - GENESIS
Room: W304D
El corazón del sistema, Pool / Spa Pumps & Motors - The Heart of the System,
Pool/Spa Pumps & Motors
Room: W204C
FBC Advanced Module: ANSI-15 and ANSI- 7 Flow Requirements and TDH
Room: W304F
Options and Considerations for Pool Renovations and Repairs
Room: W304E
Pool and Spa Filtration Options and Circulation Requirements
Room: W304B
Swimming Pool and Spa Basic Electrical Requirements
Room: W304C
Technology, Efficiency, Profits - Improve All 3!
Room: W305B
11 a.m.
Avoiding the Nemesis of Efflorescence
Room: W304A
Be a Five-Star Business
Room: W304G
Circulation & Hydraulics with Reduced Speed Technology
Room: W304H
Pool Water Chemistry Basics
Room: W303C
12:30 p.m.
How to Provide Your Customers with A Natural Water Treatment Solution
Room: Learning Lab 3
New V-Green Retrofit Variable Speed Replacement Motors
Room: Learning Lab 1
Understanding the Basics of Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) Systems.
Room: Learning Lab 2
1:30 p.m. - 2:20 p.m.
DBPR-CILB Laws and Rules
Room: W304B
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
CILB Swimming Pool Specialty Contractor Licensing Practical Examiners Course
Room: W305A
2 p.m.
E-Commerce Licensing
Room: Learning Lab 2
Room: Learning Lab 1
Solar Pool Heating Best Practices: Design, Installation & Service
Room: Learning Lab 3
3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
ETi Hybrid Pool Heater
Room: Learning Lab 1
Saturday, February 23
8:30 a.m.
Algae: Why We Get It, How We Get Rid Of It, and the Truth About CYA
Room: W303C
Basic Heat Pump Selection, Operation and Installation Parameters
Room: W304B
FBC Advanced Module: Energy Efficiency Regulations
Room: W304F
Instalación adecuada de bomba de calor y prácticas de plomería - Proper Heat Pump
Installation and Plumbing Practices
Room: W204C
Marketing Your Company: Strategies and Tools to Compete in the Online World
Room: W305B
Pool Water Problems that Seem to Defy Conventional Wisdom!
Room: W304A
8:30 a.m.
2018 VGB Act Compliance Workshop: A Comprehensive Course for Effective
Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Suction Outlets Systems
Room: W304C
Culture Change, Gaining Team Alignment
Room: 305A
Illuminating the Most Complex Pools with Today’s Advanced LED Lights
Room: W304G
Coaching Strategies to Increase Sales and Improve Profitability
Room: W304H
Salt Chlorine Generators with Detailed Troubleshooting
Room: W304E
8:30 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.
CONSTRUCTION 341: Advanced Construction - Architecturally Integrated
Structures and Elevated Watershapes - GENESIS
Room: W303D
Sunday, February 24
9:30 a.m.
The ABC’s of GEN X, Y, & Z - How to build Pools they Care About
Room: W305B
Workplace Safety - What Every Employee Should Know
Room: W304F
9:30 a.m.
Electricidad para el profesional de piscinas y spas - Electricity for the Pool and Spa
Room: W204FC
Electricity for the Pool and Spa Professional
Room: W304B
Myth Busters: Cracking Open the Most Common Water Chemistry Myths
Room: W303C
Start-Up Techniques and After Care for a Beautiful Interior Plaster Finish
Room: W304A
10 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.
CONSTRUCTION 171: Project Profiles - An Interactive Discussion on Design and
Construction - GENESIS
Room: W304D
10:30 a.m.
Chapter 489 - An Overview of Contractors Responsibilities
Room: W304F
Organizing Your Service Calls for Maximum Efficiency
Room: W305A
Waterproofing - Applying the Future Now
Room: W305B
Working, Growing and Winning Together
Room: W304G
12:30 p.m.
AquaRite & Blue Essence Troubleshooting
Room: Learning Lab 1
IntelliFlo VSF Variable Speed Pump Programming
Room: Learning Lab 2
12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Raypak Digital Gas Heaters: Practical Skills Backed By Confidence
Room: Learning Lab 3
2 p.m.
Room: Learning Lab 2
VSOmni - Product Overview & Application
Room: Learning Lab 1
10:30 p.m. - 11:20 p.m.
Cost Reduction of Workers’ Compensation Claims & Premiums
Room: W304C