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Homeowners have long recognized the value of enhanced outdoor living spaces. Having a safe, private backyard oasis for relaxing with family and friends delivers peace of mind for relaxation and entertainment alike.
As a retailer or contractor, you want to deliver the highest-quality solutions and ensure homeowners have confidence in the components you select for their project. In building or remodeling a screened enclosure, there are four key areas of focus:
1. Trust — For homeowners, choosing a contractor they trust to build a sturdy structure and choosing reliable, safe products is key. Instilling confidence in your designs and ensuring safety for the homeowner is imperative.
2. Aesthetics — Make the space achieve the homeowner’s vision with aesthetically pleasing components. Designing with curb appeal in mind while maintaining safety creates an enjoyable space, one your customers will want to share with family and friends. For many homeowners, the screened room is a transition space where views of the outdoors should be on display.
3. Ergonomics — Choosing components that are strong but easy to operate for the user will increase the enjoyment of the space, particularly for those who are older or have small children. The optimal solution is a personal preference of color, material, button type and overall size.
4. Safety — Most importantly, the components used to build a screen enclosure must improve security and keep homeowners safe. Whether children and pets live in the home or not, safety is a top priority for all homeowners so they can relax knowing they are protected. Gate and fencing components themselves need to be safe, and installation must be done properly to ensure safe operation.
A screened room gives an extra space to enjoy a home, a place where the owners and their guests can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. If the homeowners have a pool, screened rooms can help to safeguard the pool from children, neighbors and pets. At night, the screened room adds protection from insects and other environmental factors.
In the past year, homeowners more readily added screened rooms or renovated existing ones as an investment in their homes. As people were required to stay home, they saw the benefits of having an extra room where the family could enjoy the outdoors while having shade and protection.
In 2021, that growth is expected to continue. Homeowners have discovered that even as they venture out of the house more, having a pleasing, comfortable, safe outdoor space to entertain and relax at home is of high value. Homes with existing screened rooms saw the value in improving that space and did not take that space for granted any longer.
Another leading trend is designing panoramic views from screened rooms for new and renovated enclosures. By decreasing the number of aluminum bars used, the design showcases more of an unobstructed view of the outside. Homeowners see the benefits of an enclosed outdoor space and having that safe oasis but want to maintain the views of their yards and surroundings.

Patio and screen enclosure products manufactured by Nationwide Industries™ place safety and durability front and center. Closer kits, latch kits, bypass systems, locks and strong hinges help to make a screened enclosure secure and stable.
Key locks allow for extra security in entryways that can remain locked as a homeowner comes and goes. Ensuring these are installed and properly used provides safety to a screened room.
Bypass systems such as the Billy Bib Bypass Water System allow the screen door to remain securely closed to keep insects out and small children and pets in; eliminates dragging a hose inside or pinching the hose in the door; and makes it easier to water plants, fill pools, power wash or clean.
Closer kits prevent a screen door from being thrown around by wind and risking slammed fingers or damage to the door. In addition to protecting the user and the door, a closer kit can control the swing of the door so it closes silently.
Latch kits support the door and ensure it stays shut when closed. The latch fits into a hole in the strike plate to keep the door from blowing open on its own and causing damage or injury.
Durable hinges are critical to increasing the longevity of the screened room door. A strong hinge will allow for increased longevity and withstand more stress from opening and storms, decreasing the need for repairs and eliminating a loss of functionality.
In addition to these specific components, utilizing durable parts adds protection from high winds and damage due to environmental factors, especially in areas that face hurricanes and tornadoes.
Screen enclosures add value to a home and offer an all-weather outdoor space for family fun. With new design trends coming to life and new ways to improve safety for family and pets, these spaces are a chance to be unique and showcase the personality of each family.
Nationwide Industries patio and screened enclosure products are available in a variety of materials, sizes and colors to provide the optimal solution to your customers. From inswing latch kits to key locks, check chains to screened door hinges, each outdoor room product helps achieve design and safety goals.
For more information on how Nationwide Industries can help you deliver optimal solutions for design and safety, visit nationwideindustries.com.