Genesis 3 Announces Expanded Design Curriculum

Interested in Genesis 3? The company announces the new Genesis 3 University Catalog, which includes an updated calendar through March 2013, as well as a PDF of the new Genesis 3 brochure. In addition to this announcement, Genesis 3 also announces significant additions to their expanding design curriculum:

Michael Johnson, Professor of Architecture with Taliesin, has developed an entirely new program on recognizing architectural styles to be offered at the show in New Orleans. He will also teach a class on the work of famed American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, in a general track at the show.

Also noteworthy is the addition of Andrea Barton Campbell from Mesa Master Batch. Genesis 3 participants now have direct access to the premier source of concrete and pool finish pigments and color additives without any requirement for "club" participation. She will be giving a class on concrete additives and pigments at the show in New Orleans.

Finally, Kate Wiseman, MLA, APLD, will be instructing the revamped and improved "Elements of Design" course, offered in New Orleans and at a captive school in Germany in late November. Significantly, she will be using representations of classical iconic design sources for her class, consistent with collegiate education.

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