Pool Builders Offer $30,000 Pool to Raise Money for Kids

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Concord Pools & Spas (located outside Albany, N.Y.) and Latham Pool Products, along with several local businesses, teamed up recently to raise money for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. And they did it in a unique way — using their professional skills and equipment.

In what must be called a labor of love, the group of skilled philanthropists offered a $30,000 dream backyard at a fundraising auction for the NCMEC and then built it for the successful bidders, the Michnes family, at the beginning of August. “We are so happy to have helped this wonderful cause while creating our dream come true,” said one family member.

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The charitable group was gratified to help the NCMEC, an organization that works closely with all law enforcement agencies, along with victims and the families of victims, to prevent future child abductions and the recovery of missing children. The Center was founded by John Walsh, whose son, Adam, was abducted in 1981.

The proceeds from the donation will be used locally in Saratoga, N.Y., to help with education on all areas of child abuse. The Center also distributes child identification materials to school districts and families.

The owner of Concord Pools & Spas is a charter board member of NCMEC and the company has been a strong supporter of the Center for over a decade.

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