The rank of APSP Fellow is an honor bestowed on prominent individuals who have made distinguished contributions that raise professionalism in the aquatic community through teaching, research and/or exemplary service to others. Nominees for the rank of APSP Fellow are also evaluated on their professional accomplishments and their commitment to the values honored by the APSP Fellows Program.
Greg Garrett
Pool Chemistry Training Institute, Chandler, Ariz.
Greg Garrett boasts a lengthy tenure in the industry — 45 years strong — and has held several positions in APSP (as well as NSPI) and the National Plasterers Council. An education veteran, Garrett teaches between 40 and 50 seminars a year at national trade shows and regional venues and currently serves as a member of APSP's Recreational Water Quality Committee, which develops valuable resources for APSP members on water quality and treatment. More recently, he co-launched Pool Chemistry Certifi cation - Residential, the first chemistry course specifically for residential pool professionals.
Jason Schallock, CBP, CSP
Anderson Poolworks, Wilsonville, Ore.
Jason Schallock, general manager at Anderson Poolworks (Wilsonville, Ore.), has completely immersed himself in the aquatic industry. Over the course of his 22-year career, he has held several leadership positions within APSP and currently sits on APSP's Service and Commercial Councils, as well as leading APSP's Northwest Chapter as president. Recently, he worked with the Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code to develop an ad hoc committee for swimming pool ventilation and indoor air quality. In addition to his council and committee participation, Schallock is a proponent and speaker for correcting aquatic air quality issues nationwide and works closely with the Oregon and Washington state's environmental health authorities.
Craig Sears, CBP, CSP
Sears Pool Management Consultants, Inc., Atlanta, Ga.
When nominating Craig Spears for this honor, Shawn Still of Olympic Pool Plastering (Norcross, Ga.) wrote that "he is, to put it mildly, an absolute rock star in the pool industry in our state." It's easy to see why. In his seven years as president of APSP's Georgia Chapter, he's helmed several ambitious initiatives to better the industry on the local and national levels, including resurrecting the Georgia APSP Tech School, serving on a task force to evaluate the PPSO program and even launching a non-profit called the Greater Atlanta Water Safety Alliance to advocate for swim lessons and reduce drowning incidents.
Jatinder Sidhu
Coast Spas Manufacturing, Langley, BC, Canada
Much of his work may be behind the scenes, but Jatinder Sidhu's efforts have helped push the hot tub industry into new territory. In his work with the IHTA Engineering Committee, for example, he has played an instrumental role in updating the materials for the Certified Hot Tub Technician course to correspond with current ANSI/APSP standards. He has also been appointed to the U.S Technical Advisory Group (USTAG for IEC/TC61), where he plays an active role in shaping consumer safety and manufacturing standards for hot tub and swim spa brands worldwide.
Rebecca Smith, CSP
Splash Pool Management Co., Dallas, Ga.
According to APSP Director of Education Silvia Uribe, Rebecca Smith carries a deep passion for the pool and spa industry. "She has always exhibited a tireless work ethic and willingness to do whatever it takes to improve aquatics, advocating for regulations, collaboration and training that will translate to consumer health and safety." On the national level, she serves on several APSP councils, providing valuable input on APSP training materials. She is also part of the APSP's Georgia Chapter where she diligently promotes training and education. (And if her name sounds familiar, it's because she was named 2017's CSP of the Year.)