New APSP Chapter Forms in Pacific NW

Newapsp Hed

APSP has a new chapter called the Pacific Northwest APSP chapter, with members from both Oregon and Washington state. The new Pacific NW chapter was created by pool and spa professionals who were formerly members of chapters in Seattle and Portland, but no longer had active APSP chapters in which to participate.

“Several of us from both regions decided that it was time to pull together individuals and companies that wanted to revitalize the group to create a new chapter with a broader geographical reach,” says Terry Arko of SeaKlear/NC brands. “Jason Schallock with Anderson Poolworks was really instrumental in getting this going between the region and national APSP.”

“Several of us have been in the industry well over 20 years and wanted to have an active, professional organization where we could meet, discuss issues to our geographical area, exchange information and ideas in addition to making  an impact in our local market,” says Christina Braks of Evosus, also a founding member.

In fact, the organization has already started to make an impact in its local market by contributing funds and equipment for the construction of a memorial splash park, which is dedicated to a 10-year old boy who died of brain cancer. Chairman of the Pacific NW Chapter, Jason Schallock from Anderson Poolworks, organized equipment contributions from several manufacturer members in addition to arranging for the Pacific NW Chapter to contribute funds toward the construction of the waterpark. Chapter members involved in the project included Anderson Poolworks, Neptune Pools and S.R.Smith, as well as Hayward, Pentair and Delta UV who all donated equipment for the splash park. The splash park was completed by June 19th, which was the boy’s birthday.

"We have heard from other pool and spa professionals in neighboring states that they too are interested in joining our chapter because they are lacking a chapter in their area,” Schallock says. “Any interested pool or spa professional should contact me about joining our new chapter.” 

The Pacific NW chapter has already welcomed members not traditionally associated with the organization in the past, such as the well-known Multnomah Athletic Club in Portland, Ore., which recently hosted a chapter gathering.

“We were excited to hear about this chapter,” says Lisa Virtue, assistant athletic director at the Multnomah Athletic Club. “We have a commitment to swimming pool lessons and drowning prevention in our community and see the Pacific NW Chapter of the APSP as another avenue to share information, exchange ideas and support all the health benefits of swimming.”

To learn more about the chapter and how to join, click here.

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