Make Your Voice Heard with AQUA's 2016 SOI Survey

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Update — 3/3/16: Time's running out to fill out our State of the Industry survey — the survey closes tomorrow! If you have a few minutes, please fill out our survey and help us put together our May issue. If you do, you'll be entered to win one of three $100 Visa gift cards.

It’s that time of year again…

Each May, we at AQUA release our most highly-anticipated issue of the year: the State of the Industry issue. Why is it a reader favorite, you might wonder? Because of the page after page of valuable industry insight it offers about popular products and trends, the top news stories that affect you and more.

But we can’t do it alone. Since no one knows the industry better than our readers, we turn to you each year to take our survey and share with us your thoughts, feelings and opinions on how business is going for you.

This year we have completely revamped our questions to address the changing face of the industry — drought concerns, APSP and online competition are just a few of the big issues you’ll see addressed on the survey.

As a token of thanks, all those who complete the survey can enter to win one of three $100 Visa gift cards.

If you’ve already taken the survey, thank you! We’re on course for this to be the best SOI issue yet.


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