Calif. PG&E Announces 1st Motor-Only Rebate

Motors using variable-speed technology have come on the market in recent years that are designed to be installed as replacement motors on traditional pumps. These replacement motors are a great way to achieve variable speed-type savings without replacing the entire pump. That is, the existing impeller and water section of the pump are retained while upgrading the system using a variable speed motor.

However, until now, the rebate programs that have dramatically spurred the replacement of single speed pumps across the nation have only applied to the whole pump, while motor-only replacement, despite being a sensible, lower-cost alternative, has not benefitted from these incentive programs.

Against this backdrop, Northern California's PG&E has announced that starting on August 1, “installations of qualifying pool pump motors at single family and multi-family dwellings are now eligible for $100 customer and $200 installer rebate.”

It is hoped that this first program will lead to others across the nation, giving greater impetus to the energy efficiency movement in the pool industry. There is no easier and more effective way to achieve dramatic energy savings around the pool than through variable speed pumping technology.

Of the announcement, Gary Gockel, CPO and pool energy efficiency contractor near San Francisco said, “We have our first motor/controller-only pool pump rebate — and what a rebate it is. The same as for replacing an entire pump here in PG&E territory.”

“The real winners are the pool owners and pool service industry.”

Learn more about the PG&E program here

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