In no particular order, here are a few things to look forward to in 2008.
Research results. The National Pool Industry Research Center at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo, Calif., continues to gain attention and support. Look for protocols involving the effects of salt chlorine generators on pool surfaces to get underway in 2008. Work is also underway to establish a testing facility at the center and a protocol for testing hot tubs to the controversial Title 20 energy-efficiency standard for California. Also on the West Coast, look for Dr. Bruce Becker at Washington State University to release data from his research into the health benefits of warm-water immersion.
The APSP, along with many generous volunteers, continues to work on industry standards and getting them accepted by the appropriate national and international code organizations. It's easy to get involved: Just let your opinion be known during the comment period before any standard is adopted.
Here at AQUA 2008 holds a lot of excitement. First, you'll notice that there's something different about the AQUA Choice Awards. We've changed the format to make the recognition more relevant and - we hope - more useful to our readers. You'll see in-depth coverage of each of 11 winners every month and we'll then publish an Idea Book with the best of all the entries we received. We've assembled a panel of judges to make the choices and add valuable feedback.
In the next few months, look for an all-new Our guiding principle as we redesign the Web site is to make it more useful to you, our readers. So let us know what you'd like to see in a new AQUA Web site. Our amazing Web department can do just about anything, so send us all your ideas.
Now, as soon as you finish reading this issue, get busy! It's going to be a great year.