Introducing AQUA's New Section For Builders

Scott Webb Headshot

Scott WebbWe've got something really special for the pool builders in the October issue — the initial installment of AQUA Architecture, a completely new section of the magazine featuring the best residential pool design and construction in the world. Eric Herman, who you may know as former editor of WaterShapes, is behind it, and if you're familiar with his work there, you have a preview of AQUA Architecture already in mind.

This new section will be different in style and scope from what we do in the rest of the magazine, sort of a "magazine within a magazine," but don't think for an instant that this growth comes at the expense of the other AQUA departments. We have not backed away one inch from our retailers and service people. You will see in the coming months that our commitment to providing insight and solutions for spa retailers and pool service personnel has not wavered. We're just adding more content for the builders.

We're fortunate to be one of the few publications growing in a down economy, and this, along with a large investment in our website, is our latest upgrade. In short, the new section will be pure addition; there will be no subtraction.

Having said that, you must turn to page 33 and have a look. There's great stuff there — a cantilever concrete deck that stretches way out over the tracks of an automatic pool cover, an interesting take on the business end of things from David Tisherman, and a few useful tips on the art of building fountains from a designer that lived over 400 years ago.

When you're done with that, Alice Cunningham has some ideas for you on selling spas, we've got 28 new hot tubs to check out and some thoughts on how pump service calls have changed since the early days.

This is the strongest issue of AQUA I've seen since I joined the magazine.

Scott Webb

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