Record-setting winter weather will help spring pool and spa sales

Photo of Kirstin PiresSpring still seems a long way off from my vantage point in the upper Midwest, where in February we overtook the local record for the snowiest winter ever. But one of the greatest benefits of working at AQUA Magazine is that, even though the snow is stacked 10 feet high just outside my window, I get to spend a large part of the day looking at photographs of beautiful pools and steaming hot tubs.

This month's story on custom spas by Barrett Kilmer is particularly appealing with wonderful photographs to remind us that eventually, all this snow will melt. And if you just can't wait, a hot soak as the snowflakes fall is one of the best ways to enjoy a hot tub.

Jenna Elliott's story will help get you revved up for the season, with many good ideas on spurring sales of above-ground pools. When the weather finally does get warm enough, there will be a lot of pent-up desire for backyard fun in the sun. I'm guessing a lot of customers will want their pools just as soon as the weather permits and an aboveground pool is just the ticket.

Scott Webb's story on trends in hot tub surrounds gives us something to look forward to. Manufacturers are coming up with exciting new ways to create hot tub skirts that are as appealing as the hot tubs themselves. New technologies allow designers to use the spa surround as a canvas for designs and motifs.

And nothing says spring like getting geared up for equipment repairs once all those pools are opened up. It's a busy time, but Scott Webb's story gives you all the tips you need to get the work done efficiently and profitably.

Let's hope the record-setting weather leads to record-setting sales!

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