California Governor Jerry Brown recently signed AB 2114, a bill sponsored by SPEC that will modernize building codes governing the construction of swimming pool and spas. There is nothing in the legislation that requires changes to existing pools or equipment, but by explicitly allowing the construction of drainless pools, the new law may have an effect on the future of the industry.
AB 2114 spells out support for the construction of drainless pools, so long as such alternative methods of circulation comply with the turnover requirements contained in Title 24.
“Because AB 2114 will be enacted into law,” said SPEC president John Norwood, “there will no longer be a requirement for a drain or main drain on the bottom of the pool so long as the pool can comply with the water quality standards.”
“This is one of the most important and significant bills ever enacted by SPEC”, added William Rowley, SPEC board member and President of Rowley International. “AB 2114 eliminates the danger of suction entrapment beyond the VGB Act because the bill will allow the design and construction of pools without man drains or suction outlets. SPEC should be commended for this outstanding accomplishment.”
AB 2114 also eliminates the terms “drain and main drain,” and replaces them with the term “suction outlet” everywhere these terms currently appear in California statutes. The new law also updates the California Virginia Graeme Baker (VGB) statute to require that suction outlet grates must meet the ANSI/APSP-16 standards or any successor standards adopted by the Consumer Products Safety Commission.