Patrick Hogg
The U.S. MOTORS brand is an industry leader in electric motors featuring advanced technology, from variable-speed electronically commutated motors to market-leading NEMA Premium efficient motors.
Cory Kniepp
Hogg will continue to lead the company’s industrial pumping, distribution, and general industry markets, along with a stronger focus on business development for these and other growing markets in the industrial segment. He has been with Nidec for over 16 years (including when U.S. MOTORS was part of Emerson). In that time, he has moved up from engineering co-op through customer design marketing and product management. For the past three years, Hogg has been director of marketing for the industrial markets. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville and an MBA from University of Missouri-St. Louis.
More information on U.S. MOTORS products can be found at