Natural Chemistry Kicks Off 35th Anniversary Year in Atlantic City

Nc Team At Booth
Photo courtesy Phillippe Nobile Photography

Natural Chemistry 35th Anniversary Kick Off Party With Penn JerseyNatural Chemistry has begun the celebrations in honor of its 35th Anniversary year! At January’s Atlantic City Pool & Spa Show, NC team members celebrated during the Penn Jersey Chapter’s annual party.

The event featured an 80s theme and also welcomed a surprise visit from Enzo! Enzo is the iconic personification of the Natural Chemistry bottle that was created back in the early years of the brand. Enzo, whose name is based on the company’s signature naturally based ENZ-yme pool water technology, has been the company’s beloved mascot for decades, even having received an upgraded look a few years back. There are some original stuffed Enzos from the early 1990’s still out in the market! For this celebration, Enzo came to life as a full-sized, walking and talking member of the Natural Chemistry team.

Natural Chemistry Anniversary Kick Off Party Penn Jersey Atlantic City 208526

“As always, the Atlantic City Show was an incredible week of events filled with networking opportunities and business connections,” says Jamie Novak, director of marketing for Natural Chemistry. “Having Enzo at the Penn Jersey party mingling with so many of our long-time customers in the Northeast market was a perfect way to proudly kick off Natural Chemistry’s 35th year.”

The NC team is committed to supporting its dealer partners with an extensive team of outside sales representatives. The company would like to thank all of its loyal customers for the support offered these past three and a half decades — cheers to 35 more years. 

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