PHTA Names Young Professionals of the Year

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The Young Professionals of the Year Award recognizes forward-thinking industry members under the age of 40 who will help to form the next generation of pool, spa and hot tub industry leaders.

RELATED: Finding the Next Generation


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Travis Thompson
Cascade Custom Pools
Austin, Texas

Pool sales and design are talents that come naturally to Travis Thompson. It helps that the pool business is in his blood — he is a second-generation pool pro who has been a regular on the job site since high school — but he stands apart for his sharp business eye and enthusiasm for the job.

"Every day, I witness TJ striving to be a positive role model for employees that work for him and the other young builders he networks with," says Theresa Thompson, his mother and co-owner of Cascade Custom Pools. "At 33, he has over 12 full-time years experience in this industry under his belt. In that time, he has quadrupled the amount of business his company does by exhibiting integrity and high standards in all of his transactions. TJ is constantly staying informed about new, better products and construction practices, and sharing his experiences and ideas with other young professionals around the country."



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Reid Schindler
Schindler Design Co.
Edmond, Okla.

If you haven't heard the name Reid Schindler, mark our words, it's a name you'll come to hear often. Only in his early 30s, Schindler already has 15 years of experience as well as a reputation as one of the industry's up-and-coming stars. Since 2011, he has designed and sold more than 125 products with an aggregate sales value of more than $18 million.

In addition to his own impressive success, Schindler has become an outspoken advocate for the industry. Alongside Mike Farley, he launched The Million Dollar Pool Design Challenge to help draw new talent to the industry, and is an active member of the WAVE Young Professionals Group.



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Justin Ivey
Blue Wave Pool Service & Supplies
Hamden, Conn.

Justin Ivey has only been part of the Blue Wave team for six years, but he's already made a lasting impression both at his company and within the industry at large, especially in the Northeast region. For example, he helped NESPA develop the Rookie to All Star program, a regularly sold-out course that serves as an introduction to the fundamentals of the pool and spa industry.

His passion for the industry also extends to the local community. He has worked with the City of Bridgeport to help secure a grant through the VGB Pool Safely campaign to provide free CPO classes to pool operators and health officials in and around the Bridgeport area. Finally, he has helped the City of Bridgeport develop a program to teach children the values of pool safety.



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