Twelve years since Marquis first teamed up with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the company, along with The Spa Brokers, has granted its 500th hot tub wish to a 3-year-old boy named Kingsley.
Kingsley was born with septic encephalopathy (a neurological brain disease) that has rendered him non-verbal. However, Kingsley seems to be all smiles and laughter, especially when his mom and dad are in the room.
Kingsley’s hot tub was delivered by crane on June 9 and was filled by local firefighters. Family and friends joined him and his parents in a backyard barbeque to celebrate the new hot tub.
“Marquis and The Spa Brokers are really making a difference in Kingsley’s life by helping to grant his hot tub wish,” said Joan Mazak, President and CEO with Make-A-Wish Colorado. “This will help Kingsley and his family enjoy hours and hours of quality time together. Relaxing in the comfort of his own home, while being in the water, will be a wish come true.”
Since 2000 Marquis has generated more than $2.5 million in spa donations and discounts for the Make-A-Wish Foundation and has dealers involved in granting wishes nationwide.
“It’s incredibly rewarding that through our hot tubs, we are able to add some happiness and improve the wellbeing of so many kids with life-threatening medical conditions,” said John Schrenk, President of Marquis.