Where The Wild Things Are

photo of woman swimming with a young tiger cub

We hear about pool donations all the time for kids with special needs, facilities that cannot afford it, etc. Sun Fiberglass Pools had the opportunity to donate a pool to an organization of a different nature.

Dade City's Wild Things in Dade City, Fla., is a family-owned, 22-acre wildlife park that rescues and adopts animals from all over the United States. Their mission is to provide care and rehabilitation to the animals while educating the public and instilling them with love for all creatures.

Sun Fiberglass Pools donated one of its small pools, along with the labor to install it, to be used in the education area of the park. The main purpose of this pool is for the public, such as school groups or kids with special needs, to have a chance to swim with tiger cubs and other animals.

"The most rewarding part of the project is seeing the cats in the pool," says Curt Prystupa, president of Sun Fiberglass Pools. "Getting this exposure in the community and showing that we are here to help is good too, especially when it comes to kids and education."

When asked about the most challenging part of the project, Prystupa just kind of laughed it off saying there really was no challenge. It was a simple installment.

"The biggest challenge was time," he says. "They only let the tigers swim with the public until they start eating meat, and at the time they had three cubs that would get too big to swim with soon. So we were trying to beat that deadline."

In the end Sun Fiberglass Pools succeeded and Wild Things has an awesome new pool for its animals and guests.

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