More evidence linking aquatic exercise and health has been uncovered in a study published recently in the American Journal of Cardiology.
Titled Effects of Swimming Training on Blood Pressure and Vascular Function in Adults over 50 Years of Age, the study concluded that swimming exercise lowered blood pressure and improved vascular function in a sample of previously sedentary older adults.
An abstract from the study stated that, “Swimming is ideal for older adults because it includes minimum weight-bearing stress and decreased heat load. However, there is very little information available concerning the effects of regular swimming exercise on vascular risks . . .”
To address this lack of specific empirical evidence, the study measured the exam results of a group of older adults on a 12-week regimen of regular swimming exercise against a control group, and found that, among the swimmers, “Casual systolic BP decreased significantly from 131 ± 3 to 122 ± 4 mm Hg in the swimming training group. Significant decreases in systolic BP were also observed in ambulatory (daytime) and central (carotid) BP measurements.”
It is hoped by many in the pool industry that continued research will lay the scientific foundation for a solid link between swimming and good health, which could establish the swimming pool in consumers’ minds as a health and wellness product, as well as a recreation and entertainment product.