PHTA Recreational Water & Air Quality CommitteeChemistryJust the Facts: Legionellosis, Legionnaires' Disease and Pontiac FeverYour guide to Legionellosis, Legionnaires' disease and Pontiac Fever.February 10, 2025Water TestingTest the Water (Part 2)The best strategy to avoid Recreational Water Illnesses is to ensure proper swimming pool maintenance.August 22, 2024Water TestingTest the WaterRegular, repeated water testing is the most important safety precaution that pool operators can take to prevent RWIs.July 25, 2024ChemistryA Moment of Clarity About Cloudy Water in PoolsCrystal clear water doesn’t just look good, it’s part of a safe, healthy pool regimen.June 25, 2024ChemistrySpa vs Pool ChemistryA spa is not a small swimming pool. Reactions happen faster in warmer water, placing even more dependence on the need to maintain sanitizer levels.April 18, 2024ServiceWater Quality Myths and MisconceptionsClarification on the principles of clarifying water.February 8, 2024ServiceThe Dangers of Abandoned PoolsHow to treat and maintain abandoned swimming pools by taking personal, electrical and chemical safety precautions.July 6, 2023ServiceAPSP-11, The Gold Standard for Water QualityThe APSP-11 Standard provides benchmarks for public pools and spas based on science, verifiable data and best practices.June 27, 2023ChemistryThe Effects of Chemistry on Water QualityPro-active water chemistry management will ensure the highest quality of pool and hot tub water.May 17, 2023ChemicalsHandling Pool and Spa ChemicalsPool and spa chemicals, if handled and stored incorrectly, can be dangerous. We discuss best practices crucial to chemical safety.January 26, 2023Page 1 of 1Top StoriesCommunity NewsTeam USA: Swimming in SilverAQUA spoke to one of Team USA's Artistic Swimming team members about her historic silver medal win at the 2024 Paris Games.MarketingDigital Signage: A Return to SimplicityServiceBuying (and Selling) Pool RoutesServiceJust Above the WaterlineSponsored ContentAutomation + Renovation: Tech Integration Is the Perfect Way to Renovate & Modernize Pools in 2025