Phillip VenoPhillip Veno is a pool designer and builder for The Complete Backyard in Aledo, Texas. Follow him on his blog and check out the Facebook page for The Complete Backyard.BuilderPool Design Trends for 2013Much like the latest trends in fashion, car design and the flavor of the month at the coffee shop, pool design trends are constantly changing. But it's a little funny how it works: Trends often develop out of a need to stray from a common theme. However, when someone comes up with an innovative idea, it's only a matter of time until everyone jumps onboard. And once again, the cycle continues as we look for what's new and different in the world.November 15, 2012BuilderCoping Trends and IdeasWhen working on a pool, every surface is an opportunity to execute your prowess as a designer. One such surface: coping. This fundamental component sits on top of the beam ...October 16, 2012BuilderFive Tips for a Successful Pool Building ConsultationThe art of design is complicated. Your client has his own dreams, ideas and expectations for a project, and as a builder, you have your own ideas as well. With that in mind, it’s imperative to listen to, collaborate with and lead your clients through the building process. And it all starts with a great consultation. While there are many ways to make your initial consultation a success, these are the five most important strategies I employ when creating a great client relationship.October 2, 2012Page 1 of 1Top StoriesLegislationNew Rules For 2025 And BeyondA look at three changes in the law that will affect pumps, heater installation and controls.MarketingHow Will Artificial Intelligence Affect Marketing for Pool Builders in 2025?NewsTop 10 Articles of 2024NewsAQUA Year in Review: Staff Picks of 2024Sponsored ContentLEVEL UP WITH AUTOMATION FEATURING REMOTE MONITORING