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Chemistry: Page 2
Water Testing
Testing Methods and Backyard Connectivity
Industry professionals can remember how simplistic our water testing products were years ago — but that's now in the past.
The State of Pool Service 2025
Mythbusters: Pool Chemistry Truisms That Don't Pass the Sniff Test
Sort through some of the most popular well-known sayings and ideas on water care and maintenance — some are true, but many aren’t.
Conserving Pool Water in Times of Drought
Pool operators can learn how to conserve pool water in drought conditions.
Air Quality for Indoor Pools
Learn important fundamentals to improve air quality at indoor swimming venues.
Rain, Explained
What happens to a swimming pool when it rains? The answer is complicated, but understanding some of the basics can make maintenance easier.
Sanitizing Equipment
Copper-Silver Mineral Sanitizers
Examine the properties of passive mineral ionizers, referred to as "mineral sanitizers," for use in swimming pool and spa sanitation.
Minerals Reduce Chlorine Use — But Not Just Any Minerals
Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), EPA regulates pesticide products used to sanitize swimming pools and hot tubs.The following content is supported by one of our advertising partners. To learn more about sponsored content, click here.
Pools Are Like Dogs
Dogs are heavily influenced by their environment, just like pools. Follow these steps to turn a bad pool into a good one again.
Tech Notes: Scary Pool Stories
In light of Halloween, beware of these scary pool stories.
Bob Lowry: A Practical Take on the “Great CYA Debate”
Water chemistry expert Bob Lowry shares his response to our “Great CYA Debate” panel held at the PSP Expo in New Orleans.
CYA: Ally for Pools — Havoc for Hot Tubs
High CYA levels can make for a poor hot water experience. Here's how to keep CYA levels in check and your customers happy.
School’s in Session: Teaching Water Chemistry to Homeowners
Teaching pool owners the basics of water chemistry carries significant implications for pool and spa companies, especially retailers.
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