CPSA Launches Drought Awareness Campaign

Scott Webb Headshot

The California Pool and Spa Association (formerly SPEC) kicked-off its new name change and Drought Crisis Awareness Campaign, titled “Let’s Pool Together,” last Thursday evening at the Western Pool & Spa Show in Long Beach, California.  Chairman Mike Geremia and President John Norwood made comments before a crowd of more than four hundred pool and spa professionals representing all segments of the industry. 

In response to California’s unprecedented drought conditions and restrictions proposed by some public entities on the use of water to fill pools, CPSA has launched a campaign to foster awareness of true impact of pools on water resources and to represent the industry’s interests; CPSA has also created a Drought Crisis Fund to help support the effort. The first set of materials produced by the campaign was introduced at the show, including door hangers and billing stuffers designed to inform pool and spa owners about water saving tips and suggestions.  Also included was a fact sheet, which outlined the economic benefits of pool and spa companies, specific numbers outlining the relatively small amounts of water that pools require over time, and methods utilized to conserve water. 

This week CPSA expects to link the “Let’s Pool Together” consumer website to its own in addition to publishing speaker and media kits designed to provide a response to inaccurate portrayals of water use by the industry.  CPSA is also engaged with and reacting to local city council and water districts that have proposed restrictions on the use of water to fill pools.

The Drought Crisis Fund was launched with a goal of $200,000 to cover the added costs of these efforts.  To date, over $50,000 has been received.  Checks were presented at the show to the CPSA in the amount of $10,000 from the Western Pool and Spa Show, $2,000 from the San Fernando Valley Chapter of the Independent Pool and Spa Service Association, and $1,000 from the Southern California APSP Chapter. Additional commitments of $20,000 from APSP, $10,000 from HASA, as well as others have pushed the funds close to $90,000.  

Donations to the CPSA Drought Crisis Fund can be made online at www.theCPSA.org.

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