Toolbox for Excellence Announces Nationwide "Participate to Educate" Contest

Toolboxfor Excellence

Toolbox for Excellence is a new, industry-specific training program co-founded by two powerhouse pool and spa veterans, Jane Merritt — owner of Anchor Pools and Spas in Easley, S.C. — and Mallory Bjekich-Wachowski — former retail operations manager at DesRochers Backyard Pools and Spas in Wilmington, Ill. Both have years of experience under their belts and countless hours of training new hires. 

"One of the biggest problems people in the pool and spa industry face right now is training," explains Bjekich-Wachowski. "So we sought after a solution: offer structured trainings that give pool dealers an opportunity to start their new hires on a path for success with guidance and support. But it doesn't stop there. Management and ownership trainings will also be available. These sessions are not stagnant — they are constantly changing and being updated to keep up with new developments and changes in the pool and spa industry."

Not only did Toolbox for Excellence recently launch a new website, to help jumpstart the new year, the program is excited to announce its "Participate to Educate" nationwide contest, hosted on its Facebook group. The rules are simple: Toolbox for Excellence will be posting to the group regularly. Each post or "challenge" will have points attached to them. If industry professionals choose to participate, both you and the company you work for will be awarded points. Weekly updates for contest standings will be posted. And winners will be announced after July 4. Prizes include... 

Grand Prize Individual Winner:

  •  A trip for two to the 2023 International PSP Expo in Las Vegas. This prize includes flights for two, three-night hotel accommodations, an educational pass to the show and daily per diem for meals.

The company with the most overall participation will be awarded: 

  • Dealer Grand Prize: $3,000 towards Toolbox for Excellence Trainings.
  • Second Prize: $2,000 towards Toolbox for Excellence Trainings.
  • Third Prize: $1,000 towards Toolbox for Excellence Trainings.

For more information, contact Toolbox for Excellence here.

The Toolbox for Excellence New Hire Training focuses on customer service, real-life role playing situations and basic skills.

Training Topics Include:

  • In-depth customer service skills with many role-playing scenarios.
  • Phone etiquette with role playing to create confidence.
  • Pool anatomy in the field with examples of equipment pads.
  • How to manually vacuum in the field with step-by-step instructions.
  • Safety in the store as well as basics of loading vehicles.
  • Poolside examples of pool types and ways to identify them.
  • Chemical training on chemistry as well as applications of products.
  • In-depth training on the Poolife Chemical Line.
  • Solving pool problems: algae, cloudy water and staining.
  • Open-ended questions to aid in troubleshooting water and selling.
  • Add-on selling of all types of products in a swimming pool store.
  • I n-depth maintenance equipment training to help understanding but generate upselling.
  • Equipment and filters with live videos of what they look like in the field.
  • Housekeeping and tips for upkeep of the store and tips to be helpful to teammates.
  • Multiple role playing for a wide variety of situations.
  • Dealing with angry, crying and oversharing customers with role playing.
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