PHTA Announces New Supplement to Plaster Standard


The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance announced this week that a supplement to the ANSI/APSP/ICC/NPC-12 2016 Standard for the Plastering of Swimming Pools and Spas was approved by the American National Standards Institute on May 10. The new supplement impacts the way that industry professionals plaster pools and spas. 

"We are excited that our PHTA Standard Writing Committee for the Plastering of Pools and Spas was able to address plastering applications in cold temperatures and further explain their rationale for those changes in the non-mandatory section of the publication," says PHTA Director of Standards Promotion and Adoption Susan Hilaski. "Volunteer subject matter experts who specialize in plastering provided more clarity on this issue and introduced a guide to cold weather concreting."

The ANSI/APSP/ICC/NPC-12 2016 Standard for the Plastering of Swimming Pools and Spas is the industry standard for plastering of cementitious finish coatings for inground swimming pools or other cementitious water-containment vessels covering both material and application.

The new supplement contains mandatory information and the appendix provides recommended changes that impact the plastering of swimming pools and spas. Main revisions include: 

  • Mandatory:

Clarification on the cold weather plastering application temperature allowance. 

  • Recommended: 

Clarification on the water: cementitious materials (w/cm) ratio allowance.
Clarification on the usage of calcium chloride (set accelerant) allowance.

Download Supplement A. Individuals that purchase the ANSI/APSP/ICC/NPC-12 2016 Standard for the Plastering of Swimming Pools and Spas will receive the 'Supplement A' revisions which are noted in the beginning pages of the standard.

"Working towards industry excellence starts by delivering quality products, and this Standard gives guidance on stipulating, or 'setting the bar,' to ensure the quality of workmanship, materials, and safety based on commonly-accepted trade practice," says PHTA-12 Standard Writing Committee Chairman Jonathan Dongell. "The new supplement, and additional non-mandatory information, provide greater clarification to the existing Standard."

This standard is now available for purchase. Order your copy at For more information, email PHTA Director of Standards and Adoption Susan Hilaski at [email protected].

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