What’s Next for Genesis?


It’s true what people say about change being the only constant. If there’s one thing you can count on in life, it’s that change is always part of the deal.

That’s certainly been the case for Genesis, which has seen its fair share of changes, big and small, over the years. Since we started Genesis 21 years ago, it’s been in a near constant state of evolution, and the organization itself has been a major agent of change for individual students and the industry at large.

Challenging Convention

I’m very proud of the fact that the revolutionary, even subversive, ideas of upgrading industry education and emphasizing “the good life,” key components of Genesis’ extraordinary success, have made a difference in the lives of our students. Genesis has made life better for a lot of people, and it continues to do so to this day. Along the way, it has worked to improve the industry’s reputation and standing in the marketplace.

Time and time again, I’ve been told by our students that the education, and indeed inspiration, they’ve received through Genesis altered the course of their careers and forever elevated the way they approach doing business. I know it’s true because as one of the founders, the education we provided by bringing in elite instructors has dramatically improved my own work. I know my co-founder, Skip Phillips would say the same thing. We are different and better professionals because we took a chance on the idea that there was a greater level of information that could be brought to bear in educating the industry.

Over the years, the spectrum of programs we offer has continued to evolve with new instructors coming and going, with fresh ideas and course content and evolving leadership. The Genesis family has seen its members grow and flourish in ways that exceeded our greatest expectations. In fact, much of the success of Genesis has been exactly because it’s not the same program it was when we held our first school in 1998 in Morro Bay, Calif. The curricula have developed along with our students and members, many of whom have become some of the most prominent and successful practitioners of pool design and construction working today.

From then until now, it’s been an amazing ride.

A New Day

All of that has led us to where we are today. If you’ve been following the industry news lately you’ve likely noticed there have been some significant developments with some of our more prominent members moving on to continue their educational journeys outside of Genesis. While that can be a hard pill to swallow sometimes — you always hate to see good people go — it is ultimately part of the process of administering such a dynamic program. People can always decide for themselves how and where they place their time and effort.

For as challenging as that natural evolution can be, it’s what keeps us vibrant and engaged. Yes, we are in a time of great change for our venerable organization, but all of that simply spells opportunity. As people move on, that natural progression opens the door for others to step into their roles as instructors and leaders. This is exactly what has to happen for the program to remain whole and relevant.

Right now, we are in the process of identifying and recruiting new instructors and taking the opportunity to review the Genesis University Course Catalogue. We’ll certainly keep many of our core courses with improvements as needed, and establish new topics to explore as the industry faces new challenges.

This is all taking place at a time when there is great change swirling around Genesis and throughout the entire industry. Specifically, the newly minted Pool and Hot Tub Alliance, the marriage of APSP and NSPF, is taking shape before our eyes, with new leadership in the form of CEO Sabeena Hickman, a person I’ve come to admire in the short time we’ve known each other. And, in the even broader context, this is a time when a new generation of professionals are coming into the industry. Those people need the kind of foundational education that we provide, something I believe we do better than any other group focused on the creation of man-made bodies of water.

As we move through this process of revamping and retooling aspects of the program, we’ll let you know about some of the specific changes including new instructors and course topics. Right now, I can share that we’ll be focusing some new offerings on automation and technology, particularly systems that enable professionals to remotely monitor residential pools. That’s just one of many course subjects that we’ll put into play.

Ultimately, the one thing that won’t change is that Genesis is about people and the family ties they forge. Genesis has become what it is because talented people have invested their time, effort, expertise and ambitions in our programs. I give great credit to people like Dave Peterson and Bill Drakeley, two of those who have recently moved on (and I wish them success) and literally scores of others who have come and gone over the years.

Yes, there will be new faces in the mix, in front of the classes, and certainly newcomers in the audience. We will continue to serve our existing members with the best and most innovative education the industry has to offer. We will continue to learn, grow and have a darn good time in the process

Naturally, change is always accompanied by growing pains and missteps, but that’s part of the process of re-creation. We learn together and use each challenge as an opportunity to improve. That’s what is happening now.

Every challenge is a beginning, and in that sense, the name Genesis more relevant than ever. I’m proud to continue my role in this dynamic organization and remain eager to see what tomorrow brings.   




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