Registration Opens for International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo

Photo courtesy of the International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo.
Photo courtesy of the International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo.

Registration is open for the 2017 International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo, which returns to Orlando, Fla., for the first time since 2014. The exposition, sponsored by APSP, will be held November 1 to 3 at the Orange County Convention Center. Pre-show conference begins October 29 with extensive educational offerings throughout the duration of the show days.

The largest exposition of its kind in North America, the 2014 event attracted 11,103 total attendees and 552 exhibiting manufacturers spanning over 148,000 of exhibit space.

“The success and turn-out of the show often mirrors the economy,” says Tracy Garcia, show director for the PSP Expo. “With signs pointing to significant growth for Orlando’s swimming pool market, we are excited for a huge turn-out and fantastic show for attendees and exhibitors alike.”

This year’s exhibit hall hours have changed to no longer overlap with conference programs. Education during the show days will now begin at 7:30 a.m. The new exhibit hall hours are:

  • Wednesday, November 1: 10:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, November 2: 10:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Friday, November 3: 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Pre-show educational offerings from APSP include:

  • PSCC Pool and Spa Construction Course
  • CST Certified Service Technician Course
  • Train the Trainer Program

Pre-show educational offerings from Genesis include:

  • CONSTRUCTION 201: Basic Pool Construction
  • DESIGN 101: Introduction to Perspective Drawing
  • DESIGN 202: SketchUp
  • DESIGN 311: Creating a Cohesive Design Aesthetic: Materials, Details, and Style
  • ENGINEERING 311: Advanced Fluid Engineering

Additional educational offerings and certification programs include:

  • APSP Retail Council Course: Marketing, Merchandising and HR Best Practices for 21st Century Retail
  • NSPF Certified Pool-Spa Operator Certification
  • NSPF Advanced Service Technician Certification
  • National Plasterers Council Start-Up Certification Program
  • NPC Start-Up Recertification Class
  • ASA Shotcrete Nozzleman Education

All above-mentioned APSP, Genesis and additional educational programs include a Conference Super Pass, access to the expo hall and the Welcome Party, held November 1, except for the APSP Retail Council Course and ASA Shotcrete Nozzleman Education. Pre-registration for conference sessions and events is required.

The only overlap between exhibits and education will be the several free seminars on the show floor including the Hayward School of Business, Genesis Lifestyle Program, Commercial Education and Splash Talks. Descriptions for each program are available at Registration for show floor education is highly recommended but not required and seating is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

To register, please visit Companies looking to exhibit should contact [email protected].

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