Susie Cuebas and Stephen BoswellSanitizing EquipmentAre AOP & Salt the Perfect Match for Crystal Clear Pools?CMPLearn about the combined benefits of advanced oxidation and salt-water chlorination.October 12, 2021RetailHow Salt Boosts Your Pool BusinessThe following content is supported by one of our advertising partners. To learn more about sponsored content, click here.Commonly called salt systems, saltwater chlorinators, salt generators, the salt chlorine generator (“SCG”) is a pool pro’s friend. Saltwater pools are not an alternative to chlorine pools. It isn’t better than chlorine; it is chlorine.June 8, 2021RetailFinding the Perfect Pool Sanitizer SolutionThe truth is there are many “personalities” when it comes to finding the right sanitizer system for your customers. Here are a few things to consider when finding the right system for each pool.October 15, 2019Page 1 of 1Top StoriesCommunity NewsTeam USA: Swimming in SilverAQUA spoke to one of Team USA's Artistic Swimming team members about her historic silver medal win at the 2024 Paris Games.MarketingDigital Signage: A Return to SimplicityServiceBuying (and Selling) Pool RoutesServiceJust Above the WaterlineSponsored ContentThe State of Pool Service 2025