PHTA Announces Technical Reorganization and Issues Call for Participation

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The Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA) is expanding and enhancing its technical structure with the formation of a Technical Advisory Council (TAC) that will oversee five committees governing the technical aspects of the organization. This initiative creates a center of technical excellence within PHTA, solidifying the association as the leader in standards development and education for the industry. Members interested in serving on a technical committee are encouraged to apply at

Reporting directly to the Board of Directors, the TAC is responsible for providing scientific and technical guidance and will oversee the accuracy of the technical, safety, and health affairs of the association. They will also approve initiation of a revision or reaffirmation of existing PHTA standards; appoint Standard Writing Committee (SWC) Chairs and Vice-Chairs; review standards; form taskforce committees to address specific issues; and oversee the review of educational materials and scientific research.

“I believe wholeheartedly that on all of the PHTApillars – Educate, Advocate, Elevate – the development of standards and codes is at the core of what we do,” says Charlie Claffey, president of Claffey Pools and chairman-elect of the PHTA Board of Directors. “As industry leaders, it’s our job to ensure an open, balanced, and transparent development process that adheres to ANSI procedures, and is responsive to the needs of the industry and the public.” 

The TAC will coordinate the activities among the following committees:

  • Standards Policy Committee (SPC) The SPC will facilitate the movement of PHTAstandards through the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approval process, create new Standard Writing Committees and maintain existing ones, and coordinate the development of new standards. The committee may also develop appendices, checklists, and worksheets.
  • Recreational Water and Air Quality Committee (RWAQC) Formerly known as the Recreational Water Quality Committee (RWQC), the new RWAQC will develop and maintain information on chemical products, processes, and devices that affect water and air quality maintenance of swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas. Committee members will create and update PHTA Fact Sheets, provide input on water and air quality sections of PHTA standards, and develop technical educational programs.
  • Code Action Committee (CAC) The CAC will monitor the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) as well as other pool codes and external standards. This group will be responsible for developing and maintaining the information found in these documents, and recommending updates based on new scientific data, research, and sound engineering practices.
  • Editorial Review Committee (ERC) The ERC will be responsible for reviewing and editing all educational materials produced by PHTA. This includes consumer safety brochures; fact sheets; and PHTA and GENESIS® course materials such as manuals, online content, workbooks, and presentations.
  • Research and Grants Committee (RGC) The TAC will form this new committee to address research and grants in 2023 or 2024.

PHTA’s ANSI voting body, the Standards Consensus Committee (SCC), continues to maintain the organization’s transparent, balanced, and consensus-based approval process which are key components of ANSI Essential Requirements. PHTA is an ANSI Accredited Standards Developer.

To learn more about PHTA standards and how to get involved, visit or email [email protected].

For more information, please contact Amy Willer, PHTA’s Associate Director of Marketing and Communications, at [email protected] or 703-838-0083, ext. 121.

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